Which is better, SEO or Social Media Marketing?
As an agency that specialises in both, we’re often asked this question by clients looking to increase their reach by improving their marketing. The reality is for most businesses, you need to be doing both, but utilising them in different ways. SEO is a fantastic way of capturing pre existing demand for your products and […]
How to measure SEO ROI
Measuring your SEO’s return on investment (ROI) is an excellent method of verifying the impact of your SEO. At Lilac James, we have many companies that seek our services to help improve their search rankings, digital profile, leads and sales. Helping them see a return on their investment and added value is very important to […]
How to increase organic Facebook engagement like a pro
A common problem people mention time and again is “I have no idea what to post about and can’t seem to gain any traction with my social media activity”. At Lilac James we manage many client’s social media accounts and Facebook almost always features in our social media strategies. In this blog I’m going to […]
How to create a positive review strategy for your business
In 2011 Google conducted a significant deep dive into its data and came out with a key finding that many business owners are unfortunately unaware of to this day. These findings were titled ZMOT, or Zero Moment of Truth. Google identified that the modern consumer goes through predictable behaviour patterns before they will make a […]
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Investing in SEO For Your Business
Organic Search can be one of the strongest sources of highly relevant website traffic Today’s internet user generally uses search engines to solve their problems, learn new things and to ‘do’ something. Google is the worlds most visited website and has over 1 billion people signed up to its email service. Most internet users are […]
How to choose a Digital Marketing Agency – 10 insider facts
1 – Have they achieved their own Google rankings? This is most important because if an agency has failed to achieve their own rankings within the Google search engine they are unlikely to be able to do it for you. Check all relevant keywords, at least regionally. They should be ranking high on the first […]
Can traditional marketing be effective?
Lilac James replies; absolutely, here’s 5 top reasons why! If you are going hard into business development the obvious choice will be digital marketing forms and methods. However, the revival of traditional marketing has made an impact where digital forms cannot reach. Traditional forms of marketing can be seen as dated and are no longer […]
Social Media tips for businesses
It goes without saying, social media is pretty damn important today. Not just to catch up with friends and show your holiday selfies, but to promote your business, engage with your customers and understand your target market. Social media has given us an abundance of raw data about our potential consumer, we can almost get […]
Lilac James on the Moz blog
We’re a happy office this Friday afternoon as not only is the weekend looming, we also just got published on the infamous Moz blog! Founder Karen and digital marketing manager Adele worked hard on an article weighing up Facebook advertising against Google AdWords including some previous examples from clients and interesting facts and findings. The […]
5 steps to clean up links like a techie
Clean up links, sometimes you need it, sometimes you don’t. Know how to do it as a techie does. Hiring Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) may be, at times, the best thing to do. Some may have even done all the work on their own, but sometimes there is always the need to clean-up links. The […]