Case Study

Out’n’About – Buggy & Pushchair Supplier

11-16 ROAS

Facebook Ads

11-16 ROAS

Driving over £500K in sales over 18 months!

12-16 ROAS


12-16 ROAS

Winning market share from competitors, and driving £500K in sales


Increase in search traffic


Increasing traffic from high-converting search terms, driving sales
Out’n’About is an international supplier of children’s buggies serving the UK and Irish markets. Historically, they had always sold their products to other suppliers in a B2B, Out’n’About approached Lilac James to help them sell direct to consumer with Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and SEO.

Initial Review

Before engaging with Out’n’About, the Lilac teams research noted the highly competitive B2C landscape for buggy and pushchair sales within the UK, with the advertising market being dominated to big players, with very big budgets.

Although Out’n’About would go live with a healthy advertising budget of approximately £15,000pcm, this was a drop in the ocean compared to several international competitors, and as such, we needed a clear differentiator to cut through the noise and attract attention.

The Strategy

We knew that Out’n’About offered a type of buggy, and lifestyle, that other buggy manufacturers did not, that being a highly practical, outdoors lifestyle with the family.

Most other buggy manufacturers didn’t have such a clear and compelling unique selling point so we leant on this, to formulate our strategies across SEO, Google Ads, and Facebook Ads.

With SEO and Google Ads, we niched into certain keywords such as ‘running buggy’ and ‘best practical buggy’, rather than targeting highly competitive and broad search terms such as ‘best kids pushchairs’. This allowed us to acquire a lot of highly interested search traffic that converted to sales.

Once we had enough data, we switched our Google Advertising campaigns first into a Google Shopping, and finally, into high-performing Performance Max campaigns.

With Facebook, our strategy required a great deal of testing of different creatives, Ad copy, audience targeting, influencer marketing and much more. Gradually, over time, we learned the perfect Facebook Ads strategy that could deliver a consistent 16X ROAS at £6000-£10,000pcm Ad spend.

The biggest challenge with Facebook was finding great audiences to target at higher budget levels. The initial audiences we were targeting soon saturated at high budget levels, so new strategies were required to maximise sales and grow.

The Results

  • Google Advertising – Performance Max campaigns were delivering a consistent 12-16X ROAS over an 18 month period.
  • SEO – We achieved a 7 increase in overall search traffic, however, due to winning a series of relevant and high converting page 1 positions for niche keywords, the average pages per session also increased by 75%. This demonstrates that we’re bringing in highly engaged and converting traffic.
  • Facebook Ads – A consistent 11-16X ROAS over an 18 month period.

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