Marketing in 2024: Embracing Innovation and Change

The field of marketing is constantly evolving, and it can be challenging to keep up with the latest trends and technologies.

As we look ahead to the future, there are a few key trends that are likely to shape the way companies market their products and services in the coming years.

In this blog we’ll explore what we think will be the biggest changes and innovations in marketing in 2024, these being:

1. Personalisation

2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

3. Content Marketing

4. Video Marketing

5. Search Marketing

6. Social Media Advertising

Let’s dive in…



Personalisation has been a buzzword in the marketing industry for a while now, and it’s only set to become more important in the coming years. Consumers today expect a personalised experience when interacting with brands, and companies that are able to deliver on this expectation are likely to see an advantage in the marketplace.

One way to personalise marketing efforts is through targeted email campaigns. By segmenting your email list and creating customized content for different groups of customers, you can increase the relevance and effectiveness of your messages. Personalisation can also be achieved through website personalisation, where the content and layout of a website is tailored to the individual user based on their interests and behaviors.

Social media also offers opportunities for personalisation. By leveraging data about your followers, you can create personalised content that speaks directly to their interests and needs, and engages them at with relevant content dependent on their stage of the customer journey. This can be done through targeted ads, but it can also be accomplished through the use of social media management tools that allow you to schedule and publish content based on the interests and behaviours of your followers.


Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are transforming the way companies do business, and marketing is no exception. These technologies allow companies to automate and optimize marketing processes, freeing up time and resources that can be better spent on other tasks.

One common use of AI in marketing is in the targeting of ads. By using machine learning algorithms to analyze data about consumer behavior, companies can identify the most likely buyers for their products and target their ads accordingly. This can help to increase the effectiveness of ad campaigns and reduce the cost of reaching potential customers.

AI and ML can also be used to predict customer behavior and tailor marketing efforts accordingly. For example, a company might use machine learning to analyze the browsing and purchase history of a particular customer and use that information to recommend related products or make personalized offers.

At Lilac James, we’re constantly using the AI of Google and Meta to increase the results of our advertising campaigns, the AI changes regularly and lots of testing is really key, but the AI, if used correctly, is an incredibly powerful tool.


Content marketing

Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content with the goal of attracting and retaining a clearly defined audience. This content can take many forms, including blog posts, infographics, videos, and social media posts.

One of the key benefits of content marketing is that it allows companies to build trust and credibility with their customers. By providing valuable information and resources, companies can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry and build long-term relationships with their audience.

Effective content marketing also requires a strong content strategy, which includes identifying the target audience, setting goals, and creating a plan for producing and distributing content. By following a well-defined strategy, companies can effectively reach and engage their target audience and drive profitable customer action.

As with all marketing, content marketing requires consistency of effort, we can’t expect to write a couple of lazy blogs and it produce a steady flow of leads.


Video marketing

Video marketing has exploded in recent years, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Video is a powerful tool for promoting products or services, educating customers, and building brand awareness.

It can be shared on social media platforms, websites, and through email marketing campaigns.

In 2024, we strongly feel that short form content will be king.  Short, engaging, educational, and entertaining, videos will stand out, with AI quickly identifying which videos to push and which videos to kill.  These short form videos are great at acting as a gateway into your longer form content and can direct users towards your website and blogs to keep them engaged in your content ecosystem.

Brands that do well with video seem to strike a great balance between education and entertainment.

One of the reasons video is so effective is that it allows companies to tell a visual story and connect with their audience in a more personal way. It’s also an extremely versatile medium that can be used in a variety of ways, from product demonstrations to behind-the-scenes vlogs.

You will never truly be able to tell which videos will sink and which ones will swim, so the key is to produce consistently, and gradually establish what works best.


Search Marketing

Search marketing isn’t new, but it’s with us forever because modern consumers use search engines to find information and research products online, each search is an opportunity to get your products and services in front of a potential customer… but it is changing.

Search marketing has become far more technical and data driven with successful campaigns favouring campaigns with bigger budgets and more freedom for the AI to operate, this isn’t great for advertisers looking to make best use of their budgets, but you can still be very efficient and effective with search marketing in 2024 and beyond.

Search marketing remains an essential component of any digital marketing strategy, as it allows companies to connect with consumers who are actively searching for products or services that they offer.

One of the key benefits of search marketing is that it targets people who are already interested in what you have to offer. Unlike other forms of advertising that try to interrupt or distract people, search marketing helps you reach consumers who are actively looking for information or solutions to their problems. This means that search marketing has a high conversion rate, as people who click on your ads or website are more likely to make a purchase or take some other desired action.

Another advantage of search marketing is that it is highly measurable and trackable. With tools like Google Analytics, it is easy to see how your search marketing campaigns are performing and make adjustments as needed. This allows you to optimize your campaigns and get the most out of your marketing budget.

Search marketing is also highly targeted. With tools like keyword research and ad targeting, you can reach specific groups of people based on their interests and demographics. This allows you to tailor your marketing efforts to the needs and interests of your target audience, increasing the chances of success.

Overall, search marketing is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. By using search engines to reach potential customers who are actively searching for products or services, you can increase your visibility, reach, and conversions. By taking the time to understand and implement effective search marketing techniques, you can help ensure the success of your business in the digital age.


Social Media Advertising

Half the world is currently using social media, and gradually, the other half will begin using it too.

Whilst social media advertising has been with us for some time, the way in which we use it is constantly changing.

Meta alone now has nearly 3 billion users and you can actively target people based on demographics, interests and behaviours.

The big mistake people make with social media advertising, is a lack of consistency.  Businesses run a couple of campaigns, they may not have the success they want, then they stop.

Consistency, and adapting your advertising with the lessons you learn along the journey are key.

If done correctly, you will learn lessons about what copy, headlines, creatives, audiences etc… work best to meet your goals.

Finally, with your social media advertising, the big mistake people make is simply targeting the bottom of the funnel by simply asking people to buy.  For many products and services, this is like trying to find a wife and just walking into a bar and asking people to marry you.  People need wining and dining a little more if they’re going to make an enquiry or purchase.



Marketing in 2024 will continue to change and evolve, but every business will need a good handle on each of the 6 components described above to really excel.

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