Red Flags 🚩 the person doing your SEO doesn’t know what they’re doing…

I’m writing this article because there are so many cowboys out there happily taking peoples money and delivering little value in return. There are also many great SEO professionals but sorting between the good, the bad and the ugly can be difficult. I hope this article can help people navigate the minefield of picking the […]
Things to consider before before you start an SEO project

With SEO, people talk about optimising, targeting keywords, building backlinks, metadata, alt tags, technical SEO, content, data blah blah blah… …but what isn’t often talked about is how none of this will make a damn bit of difference unless you get the foundations right with your website. This blog will explain how you do that. […]
8 ways blogging helps boost your SEO

8 Ways Blogging Helps Boost Your SEO We were presenting at a business event recently about SEO to Cambridge Network and we were asked how exactly blogging helps with your SEO, so I thought we’d write a blog about it 😊 Blogging has been established to be a key form of building your SEO rankings […]
How to Reverse Engineer your Competitors Facebook Ads

How to reverse engineer your competitors Facebook Ads Ever wondered how you can find out what Facebook Ads your competitor is running? It’s actually very simple but… first a word of warning. Just because you can see what Ads they’re running; it doesn’t mean their Ads are working well or that they’re cost effective. It […]
The Simple Guide to Negative Keywords for Google Ads

Recently a prospect came to us unhappy with the performance of her Google Ads. She had hired a freelancer and she wasn’t confident her campaign was well optimised and maximising return on investment. Upon reviewing the account we could see that the Ads themselves were well written and the keyword targeting appeared to be well […]
How quickly can you get on page 1 of Google?

There are lots of scammy SEO artists out there who will tell you exactly what you want to hear… that getting to page 1, position 1 for competitive search terms is easy and can be achieved within the month. If you hear that, our friends at Iron Maiden have some great advice… RUN TO THE […]
How to measure SEO ROI

Measuring your SEO’s return on investment (ROI) is an excellent method of verifying the impact of your SEO. At Lilac James, we have many companies that seek our services to help improve their search rankings, digital profile, leads and sales. Helping them see a return on their investment and added value is very important to […]
How to increase organic Facebook engagement like a pro

A common problem people mention time and again is “I have no idea what to post about and can’t seem to gain any traction with my social media activity”. At Lilac James we manage many client’s social media accounts and Facebook almost always features in our social media strategies. In this blog I’m going to […]
How to create a positive review strategy for your business

In 2011 Google conducted a significant deep dive into its data and came out with a key finding that many business owners are unfortunately unaware of to this day. These findings were titled ZMOT, or Zero Moment of Truth. Google identified that the modern consumer goes through predictable behaviour patterns before they will make a […]
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Investing in SEO For Your Business

Organic Search can be one of the strongest sources of highly relevant website traffic Today’s internet user generally uses search engines to solve their problems, learn new things and to ‘do’ something. Google is the worlds most visited website and has over 1 billion people signed up to its email service. Most internet users are […]